Custom Software Packages
Some of our product are:
Pension Management Software
Some of the benefits of a Pension management Software system or web-Portal are undoubtedly speeding up , accuracy and efficiency. The system provides employees/pensioners prompt access to their account balance without visiting the department/Authority/Trust head office. Apart from time saving and accuracy already mentioned, other advantages include:
Reduced administration time by automating
Retirement benefit calculation
Different Order printing
Different Register printing
Different Lager printing
pension Book printing
which also help in Eliminated Income tax penalties for inaccurate returns or late payments of amounts withheld.An improved pension management system with accuracy and automatic tax and deduction calculations. Easily credits employees/pensioners account ( from Central Fund A/c or with returns from investments of pension funds).An improved organization with the consolidation of all pension fund related records and reports. Increased speed in adjusting to regulations by receiving periodic updates from authority and implementing the software. Also effortlessly produce the required governmental reporting.
Reduction of administrative overhead
Automation of several manual processes
Pension management processes to get more work done, intelligent workflows and more reliable electronic payment processing.
Provides timely retirement benefit processing